Sunday, May 24, 2020

Bessie Coleman, African American Woman Pilot

Bessie Coleman, a stunt pilot, was a pioneer in aviation. She was the first African American woman with a pilots license, the first African American woman to fly a plane, and the first American with an international pilots license.   She lived from  January 26, 1892 (some sources give 1893)  to April 30, 1926 Early Life Bessie Coleman was born in Atlanta, Texas, in 1892, tenth of thirteen children. The family soon moved to a farm near Dallas. The family worked the land as sharecroppers, and Bessie Coleman worked in the cotton fields. Her father, George Coleman, moved to Indian Territory, Oklahoma, in 1901, where he had rights, based on having three Indian grandparents. His African American wife, Susan, with five of their children still at home, refused to go with him. She supported the children by picking cotton and taking in laundry and ironing. Susan, Bessie Colemans mother, encouraged her daughters education, though she was herself illiterate, and though Bessie had to miss school often to help in the cotton fields or to watch her younger siblings. After Bessie graduated from eighth grade with high marks, she was able to pay, with her own savings and some from her mother, for a semesters tuition at an industrial college in Oklahoma, Oklahoma Colored Agricultural and Normal University. When she dropped out of school after a semester, she returned home, working as a laundress. In 1915 or 1916 she moved to Chicago to stay with her two brothers who had already moved there. She went to beauty school, and became a manicurist, where she met many of the black elite of Chicago. Learning to Fly Bessie Coleman had read about the new field of aviation, and her interest was heightened when her brothers regaled her with tales of French women flying planes in World War I. She tried to enroll in aviation school, but was turned down. It was the same story with other schools where she applied. One of her contacts through her job as a manicurist was Robert S. Abbott, publisher of the Chicago Defender. He encouraged her to go to France to study flying there. She got a new position managing a chili restaurant to save money while studying French at the Berlitz school. She followed Abbotts advice, and, with funds from several sponsors including Abbott, left for France in 1920. In France, Bessie Coleman was accepted in a flying school, and received her pilots license—the first African American woman to do so. After two more months of study with a French pilot, she returned to New York in September, 1921. There, she was celebrated in the black press and was ignored by the mainstream press. Wanting to make her living as a pilot, Bessie Coleman returned to Europe for advanced training in acrobatic flying—stunt flying. She found that training in France, in the Netherlands, and in Germany. She returned to the United States in 1922. Bessie Coleman, Barnstorming Pilot That Labor Day weekend, Bessie Coleman flew in an air show on Long Island in New York, with Abbott and the Chicago Defender as sponsors. The event was held in honor of black veterans of World War I. She was billed as the worlds greatest woman flyer. Weeks later, she flew in a second show, this one in Chicago, where crowds lauded her stunt flying. From there she became a popular pilot at air shows around the United States. She announced her intent to start a flying school for African Americans, and began recruiting students for that future venture. She started a beauty shop in Florida to help raise funds. She also regularly lectured at schools and churches. Bessie Coleman landed a movie role in a film called Shadow and Sunshine, thinking it would help her promote her career.   She walked away when she realized that the depiction of her as a black woman would be as a stereotypical Uncle Tom. Those of her backers who were in the entertainment industry in turn walked away from supporting her career. In 1923, Bessie Coleman bought her own plane, a World War I surplus Army training plane. She crashed in the plane days later, on February 4, when the plane nose-dived. After a long recuperation from broken bones, and a longer struggle to find new backers, she finally was able to get some new bookings for her stunt flying. On Juneteenth (June 19) in 1924 , she flew in a Texas air show. She bought another plane—this one also an older model, a Curtiss JN-4, one that was low-priced enough that she could afford it. May Day in Jacksonville In April, 1926, Bessie Coleman was in Jacksonville, Florida, to prepare for a May Day Celebration sponsored by the local Negro Welfare League. On April 30, she and her mechanic went for a test flight, with the mechanic piloting the plane and Bessie in the other seat, with her seat belt unbuckled so that she could lean out and get a better view of the ground as she planned the next days stunts. A loose wrench got wedged in the open gear box, and the controls jammed. Bessie Coleman was thrown from the plane at 1,000 feet, and she died in the fall to the ground. The mechanic could not regain control, and the plane crashed and burned, killing the mechanic. After a well-attended memorial service in Jacksonville on May 2, Bessie Coleman was buried in Chicago. Another memorial service there drew crowds as well. Every April 30, African American aviators—men and women—fly in formation over Lincoln Cemetery in southwest Chicago (Blue Island) and drop flowers on Bessie Colemans grave. Legacy of Bessie Coleman Black flyers founded the Bessie Coleman Aero Clubs, right after her death. the Bessie Aviators organization was founded by black women pilots in 1975, open to women pilots of all races. In 1990, Chicago renamed a road near OHare International Airport for Bessie Coleman. That same year, Lambert - St. Louis International Airport unveiled a mural honoring Black Americans in Flight, including Bessie Coleman. In 1995, the U.S. Postal Service honored Bessie Coleman with a commemorative stamp. In October, 2002, Bessie Coleman was inducted into the National Womens Hall of Fame in New York. Also known as:  Queen Bess, Brave Bessie Background, Family: Mother: Susan Coleman, sharecropper, cotton picker and laundressFather: George Coleman, sharecropperSiblings: thirteen total; nine survived Education: Langston Industrial College, Oklahoma - one semester, 1910Ecole dAviation des Freres, France, 1920-22Beauty school in ChicagoBerlitz school, Chicago, French language, 1920

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The De Plata Al 1 - 2011 Words

INTRODUCCIÓN. La Sulfadiazina de plata al 1% es un antisà ©ptico que se utiliza a menudo en las quemaduras de segundo grado. Nuestro objetivo es realizar una revisià ³n bibliogrà ¡fica con diferentes artà ­culos donde se comparan con otras alternativas mà ¡s eficaces que hacen que cicatricen antes y alivie el dolor. Para ello hemos escogido artà ­culos que trata tanto en animales, cerdos y seres humanos. QUEMADURAS DE SEGUNDO GRADO (1). DEFINICION. Lesiones producidas por un traumatismo fà ­sico o quà ­mico que conlleva a un daà ±o o destruccià ³n de la piel. Las quemaduras de segundo grado o quemaduras de espesor parcial afectan tanto la capa externa como la capa subyacente de la piel, lo que produce dolor, enrojecimiento, inflamacià ³n y formacià ³n de ampollas. Se clasifican en: 1. Quemaduras de segundo grado superficial. Afectan a la epidermis y el tercio superior de la dermis. Son dolorosas y exudativas por lo que presentan flictenas y ampollas intactas sobre un fondo rosado y hà ºmedo. El folà ­culo piloso estarà ¡ conservado. Adecuadamente tratadas se curan en 15-20 dà ­as. 2. Quemaduras de segundo grado profundas. Afectan a las zonas mà ¡s profundas del espesor de la dermis, llegando a la dermis reticular. Las terminaciones nerviosas locales estarà ¡n mà ¡s daà ±adas por lo que tienden a ser menos dolorosas. Presentan flictenas y ampollas rotas y su fondo pasarà ¡ de rojo brillante a pà ¡lido y moteado a medida que se profundiza. El folà ­culo piloso ca a estar daà ±ado, por lo que para valorarShow MoreRelatedDireccion Comercial. Analisis de La Estructura Competitiva de Mercado1489 Words   |  6 Pages6( Anà ¡lisis de la estructura competitiva del mercado 6.1. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Letter Assignment Draft Free Essays

The cell is the biological basic unit to life .Every existing animal or plant owes its life to the cell. Cells cannot be seen with naked eyes but with the help of equipment called the microscope. We will write a custom essay sample on Letter Assignment Draft or any similar topic only for you Order Now   It is the environment that surrounds different, other existences that are in many ways autonomous, merely, independent but also as well as dependant of each other; oop! Let’s avoid the contradiction and go through this basic† Life The entire body of humans is made up of cells-very different many cells- In fact millions and millions of them each with a distinct purpose. It is important for an official of health for instance to understand some, if not all of these cells. [1] The nucleus; the whole make-up of the cell, every single function and set-up is â€Å"coded for† or dictated by this system.   Amazingly the system uses a diverse nature in the name of genes.   Depending on species each individual has a different number of them (genes), each responsible for a different nature or set up; loading to the formation of a specific cell structure/organelle. As a senior health officer, the understanding about genes is of help in solving problems such as DNA tests. To some extent, such an understanding on genes is also essential in ascertaining and analyzing blood samples before transfusion takes place. The Mitochondria is the energy power.   For every single process there is the energy required.   The source of this energy is the mitochondria.   This organelle breaks down the food through its myriad set of enzymes and packs the product, energy, as pockets of potential power.   Power that will in times of need be converted to Kinetic energy in motion/activity. The endoplasmic reticulum.   Some rough, some smooth.   The rough has the ribosomes, hair like structures in the formation of proteins.   Proteins that make-up the other structural cell existence.   These proteins will also be used in repair of worn out parts of the cell.   Simply; the whole cell has a protein make-up.   The smooth endoplasmic reticulum; they are involved in lipid fats and ions transport. Heavy convoluted branched throughout the cell they leep the cell well stacked in the lipid supply. The Golgi apparatus; they pack processed proteins. Packaging them ready for delivery via the cell and settings them to wherever they are required. [2] Then there are the assembly units in the form of tiny microscopic cylinders called the ribosomes. These are units that form/ manufacture proteins from simple forms (raw materials) in the form of amino acids. These ribosomes are hinged on the endoplasmic reticulum. They give it the appearance of a rugged structure hence the name rough endoplasmic reticulum The lysozymes are a set of enzymatic organelles. They break-down/ digest complex material that has been ingested by the cell. The ingestion of food particles is done by the micropinocytatic vesicle; it engulfs or surrounds a â€Å"palatable substance† and practically makes it â€Å"part of the cell† The lysozymes later on leak the enzymatic content, which digests the engulfed particle. The cell has a sound and dependable character. Integrity. The above unit structures can and will be found in a living cell. [3] The distinction however is slight depending on whether it is a plant or animal cell; 1. The cell membrane is common to plant and animal cells, aquering the organelles; into a defined environment. Acting as the skin 2. The plant cell however has the additional protection of a cell wall. A â€Å"skin† covers to the outermost. This affords plants the rigid nature. The plant cell also has other unit structures like;- a.Chloroplasts; responsible for the trapping of light rays and channeling this energy to the manufacture of food. They give plants that distinction color. b.Food vacuole; the food store in plant cells. c.The water vacuole; a distinct store for water. [4] The cell has it all the organizational set-up each structural unit being a department that functions on its own, as well as one that condinates with the other departments. As a government health officer therefore it is important to ensure that all cells of a human body are functioning properly as the malfunctioning of only one cell might affect the whole body. There is a catch however, that the nucleus; that structural unit that has genes which code/ demand for specific roles to be played by different structural units of the cell. The genes dictating what happens in the cell, fostering both individual talent (departmental autonomy) and team-work (between departments) are the management. The top tier of the cell that does the â€Å"decision† making. The departments/units that form the crux of this cell industry are not far from many existing department especially in the government sector. In function at least. The powerhouse of energy; mitochondria the system that fuels the assembly is likened to the accounts department. The paymaster and motivator. What about the other assembly points, ranging from the â€Å"energy reactions† like the chloroplasts that will provide energy for carbohydrates, protein and vitamin formation. The reticulum system playing the role of transportation and Logistics. The micropinocytotic vesicle doing the sourcing of raw materials. The sublime procements officer. The golgi apparatus; ever packaging and branding processed material. Like any other industry; there is always a better way to present product to the client. The security system cannot be understated. Setting up the perimeter. Defining the limits off the area covered by the industry in the form of the cell membrane and cell wall. You stare at that life so invisible to the naked eye, but surprise is all you have got when that simple nature of life typifies our complex organizational nature. [5] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxENDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This letter should be addressed to a senior government official in the health sector like the Medical Officer of Health. These are the paramedics on the ground on whose fingers and skills hundreds of thousands of people depend for the health to be something to reckon with. They are the researchers, policy makers, the trainers etc. The nature, components and functions of the cell will help him in effecting his roles in a more efficient and effective manner. References Campbell, N. (2004): Biology 7th edition, Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, New York Mashburn, L. M and Whiteley, M. (2006): Special Delivery: Vesicle Trafficking in Prokaryotes. –   Mol Microbial 61 (4): 839 – 46.                         [1] Campbell, N. (2004): Biology 7th edition, Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, New York [2] Mashburn, L. M and Whiteley, M. (2006): Special Delivery: Vesicle Trafficking in Prokaryotes. –   Mol Microbial 61 (4): 839 – 46. [3] Mashburn, L. M and Whiteley, M. (2006): Special Delivery: Vesicle Trafficking in Prokaryotes. –   Mol Microbial 61 (4): 839 – 46. [4] Campbell, N. (2004): Biology 7th edition, Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, New York [5] Mashburn, L. M and Whiteley, M. (2006): Special Delivery: Vesicle Trafficking in Prokaryotes. –   Mol Microbial 61 (4): 839 – 46. How to cite Letter Assignment Draft, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Perfetto Juice Company

Question: Describe about the Perfetto Juice Company?. Answer: Perfetto Juice Company is operating their business in non-carbonated drinks segment that are more focused on the healthier drinks for their customer. Therefore, the factors like customers choice, customer profile, product preference and product availability will come in consideration while targeting a market segment for the fruit juice. The target segment of the fruit juice will be kid first because they have more attraction towards the drink and their guardian will also prefer to provide a healthier drink every time (Ngo et al. 2013). The target segment will also focus on those customers who are highly concerned about their health and do not prefer carbonated drinks. The factors that are influencing the target segment is also the product availability because it will ensure that the target segment will get the product whenever they need. Global business is affected by the recession that has resulted in low volume of the business due to the lower buying capacity of the consumer. Roe of pricing strategy is very important in this situation because company has to sell their product to achieve the organizational objective. The role of pricing strategy in the time of recession is to minimize the profit margin to enhance the affordability to the consumer. The amount of discounts in the bulk purchase should increase, so that buyer consumes more number of drinks. The pricing strategy of the company will therefore play a big role to increase the overall sales (Foxall et al. 2013). The role of pricing strategy is also to increase the competitive advantage in the market as compared to the competitors by reducing the price so that customer prefers to buy it. Perfetto Juice Company has integrated their marketing activities with the corporate social responsibility to get the advantage of ethical consumerism. In their promotional activity, Perfetto Juice has initiated to promote their product in the summer Olympic game where many participants and tourist comes. It will be the biggest advantage for them to advertise the product in such platform that will get the international exposure. The company has also integrated the product quality and the ethical way of their business in their promotional activity. This type of strategy will help the organization to achieve the marketing objective because customers will attach emotionally with the company and their product (Darmon and Drewnowski 2015). The promotional activity of the company also integrates the change in the packaging that is also a scope to communicate to the customers. The change in the packaging provides the opportunity to attract customer every time with the same product. Considering the marketing mix of the product Perfetto Juice Company has implemented the 4Ps of marketing in a different way that is described below. Product The Company has chosen a different product that is produced in a ethical way for their business. The non-carbonated drinks are not getting the advantage therefore, they have chosen a unique fruit juice as their product that has high probability of getting popularity. Price The pricing strategy of the company also differs from the conventional products. The company is using discounts printed in their new packaging that last for three months. Therefore, they are able to sell their product in bulk. Particularly in time of recession, they provide more discounts on bulk purchase that increases the sales. Promotion The promotional activity of the company is associated with the customers emotion therefore attachments builds. The promotion also ensures to inform about the product quality and processing (Dang 2014). Place Products are highly available in 15 countries that help customers to get product whenever they need. Reference List Dang, T., 2014. The success of applying marketing mix 4Ps in Vietnamese dairy industry: Vinamilka typical case. Darmon, N. and Drewnowski, A., 2015. Contribution of food prices and diet cost to socioeconomic disparities in diet quality and health: a systematic review and analysis.Nutrition reviews, p.nuv027. Foxall, G.R., Yan, J., Oliveira-Castro, J.M. and Wells, V.K., 2013. Brand-related and situational influences on demand elasticity.Journal of Business Research,66(1), pp.73-81. Ngo, M.K., Velasco, C., Salgado, A., Boehm, E., ONeill, D. and Spence, C., 2013. Assessing crossmodal correspondences in exotic fruit juices: The case of shape and sound symbolism.Food quality and preference,28(1), pp.361-369.